The code of roses, meaning of all colors

Bouquet of red or white roses? Discover the meaning of colors

Should you give red, white or yellow roses to your friend? Discover the meaning and meaning of each rose color, as well as the different types of flowers you want to give to your loved ones.

The Red Rose


The red rose is the queen of roses, it is the most popular of all! It symbolizes love, passion and adoration. The red rose means much more than just a romantic relationship, it is a deep and impulsive passion.

Indeed, the red rose symbolizes the true attraction between a man and a woman. This flower is also known universally as the lovers' rose. This is why it is the perfect Valentine’s Day flower.

Offer a beautiful bouquet of red roses to someone to whom you wish to make a fiery declaration of love.

The White Rose


The white rose means the most sincere feelings. Unlike the red rose which signifies passionate love, the white rose expresses chaste love. Indeed, it represents humility, purity, innocence and admiration. The white rose is also considered a symbol of divinity and perfection. Moreover, you will notice in Renaissance paintings which represented Christ, a crown of white roses on his head. White roses are often given at weddings because they symbolize loyalty and true, everlasting love. However, you can also give them to your mother as a sign of admiration or to pay tribute to a loved one who has left you.

The pink rose


The pink colored rose symbolizes femininity, elegance, gentleness, joy, pride, dignity, affection, kindness, nobility, sophistication, courtesy and refinement. It conveys a different message depending on its tone.

Indeed, a dark pink rose is associated with gratitude and appreciation, while a light pink rose signifies grace, kindness, admiration, attraction, sympathy and happiness.

Unlike the red rose, a symbol of passionate love, the pink rose expresses a much sweeter feeling of love.

Pink roses are usually given at the beginning of a relationship because they can hint at the birth of feelings of love which, in the future, can become much stronger.

But you can also offer them to express your tenderness towards someone, it could be your mother, the loved one of your heart, your daughter, your friend...

The blue rose


Humans have long attempted to produce blue roses. They symbolize inaccessibility, waiting, mystery and dreams, but also an unacknowledged, discreet and ideal tenderness. You can therefore offer blue roses to a person you love dearly or whom you consider inaccessible and mysterious.

The black Rose


Humans have long attempted to produce blue roses. They symbolize inaccessibility, waiting, mystery and dreams, but also an unacknowledged, discreet and ideal tenderness. You can therefore offer blue roses to a person you love dearly or whom you consider inaccessible and mysterious.

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